Being a newborn photographer is so special. You get to meet a growing family and you also get the privilege of capturing the newborn’s first moments in the world. It is so special to record the parents and the baby at such an intimate time, and a time that changes so quickly.
This is Paisley Rae. She was born on September 14th, 2015, just 5 days early. She was 8 lb 9 oz and 21 inches of beauty. Her parents Anna and George, and 6 year old brother, Jacob, welcomed her into the world and into their loving arms. The family lives in Huntley, IL but came to my Libertyville studio for this newborn session. One of Anna and George’s favorite things to do is to spend time with Jacob but they can’t wait to spend family time with their beautiful baby girl.
The final pictures from a newborn session are always so beautiful, polished and heartwarming, but many people don’t realize how long it takes to get to that point in the session! Sometimes it’s hard for a baby in a new environment to get comfortable or even to stay in the adorable poses we put them in. It always helps when mom and dad are there to rescue the day when they need to, and this sometimes results in the most precious pictures of them all.
One of my favorite pictures from this newborn session is the one of Paisley with mom Anna as they share an intimate moment with each other. As a newborn photographer, it is super special to capture these moments between the mother and daughter. It is really the very first bond that they share with each other, and it is a tear-jerker! I remember the first time I held my baby girl Ariana, and I cannot wait until I make that special bond with my third on the way!
Corey - What a sweet baby girl! Mom and Dad look so in love with her. Love that you captured a little smile during her newborn session!
Brenden - Aww Paisely is beautiful, and I love her name. That bond between mother and daughter is so special.I love how you captured that. Congrats on expecting baby #3! You must be so excited!
Christine D - Little Paisley is a beautiful baby! And you even caught a sweet smile! But I think my favorite image is the whole family together watching big brother look at his little sister. What a perfect moment!
Kathy - I love love her name! Paisley, how cute! You did such a great job capturing all the little details of this sweet little girl. Mom and Dad will definitely appreciate that once all those newborn features have gone, because we all know how quickly babies change and grow! The family shots are awesome! Great job!
Lauren - Awwww….. little Paisley is a doll! Those sweet baby cheeks and pouty mouth — and I love when a good photographer can catch a little newborn yawn in her photo session. Just precious!
Samantha Eckhaus - What a beautiful family session in Paisley!!! I love how mommy and daddy are cuddled up with their little one.
Mahlia - Such a sweet newborn session. :)!
Kelly Loeffler - what a sweet baby girl. these a precious newborn images.
Katie Whitcomb - What a sweet baby!!
Jennifer - Oh, those little toes! I love this newborn session and her name is adorable! You rocked this session!
Lori Stead - These are beautiful images! I love that you combine standard newborn images and lifestyle poses – best of both worlds!
ashley eiban - oh my goodness! what a cutie! newborn sessions are so difficult but you did such a great job!
Jessi - Love this family and newborn session… beautiful job!!